The Horizon Experience

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Put clients first by letting our flexible digital process speed up everything from applications through decisions and delivery.

The Horizon Experience
Underwriting made easy

Deliver decisions in a snap

A growing number of clients can get approved in minutes, with no medical exam or lab work required.

Our underwriting process

Underwriting quick stats

We help get your clients approved as quickly as possible

Instant Decisions1
Instant decisions (under 50 years old)1
Lab-free decisions 2
10-day decisions 3

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    1 Metric reported for full month December 2024. "Instant decision" is defined as total instant decisions as a percentage of total decisions from all business submitted through Horizon in December 2024. 

    2 Metrics reported YTD through December 2024. "Lab-free Decisions" is defined as total lab-free decisions as a percentage of total decisions from all business submitted through Horizon through December 2024. "Lab-free Decisions" percentage includes instant decisions. 

    3 Metrics reported YTD through December 2024. "10 day Decisions Rate" is the percent of applications that reached any decision in 10 days or less upon submittal compared to the total number of decisions.